in partnership with british fashion council

British Fahion Awards 2019
英国时尚大奖 2019
The British Fashion Council (BFC) is delighted to announce that The Fashion Awards 2019 will take place on Monday the 2nd December, returning to the iconic London venue The Royal Albert Hall. The annual celebration of creativity and innovation will shine a spotlight on exceptional individuals and influential businesses that have made significant contributions to the global fashion industry over the past twelve months. See the highlights from The Fashion Awards 2018 here.
英国时尚大奖是 British Fashion Council 英国时装协会组织的一年一度的星光璀璨的时装盛典,是专为表彰在时尚行业做出卓越贡献者们而设计的。
2019年的“时尚大奖” 盛典将于12月2日在标志性的伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行。这场堪比融合了美国 “奥斯卡奖” 和 “Met Gala" 这类全球顶级规模的颁奖礼,世界各地杰出设计师以及品牌方奖齐聚一堂,耀眼的明星和名媛在红毯上大放异彩。
“时尚大奖” 盛典将会评选出:“年度设计师/年度配饰设计师/商业领袖/年度模特/女装类及男装类英国杰出人才/女装类及男装类英国年度设计师等十几项时尚大奖。点击这里2018精彩回放。