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SMA International Summer Music School

3rd -10th August 2025
Main Instrusment
Your Grade
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Main Instrusment
Your Grade

Fees and Payment:

*Full-boarding participant who is under 10 years old requires a guardian.

Full fee for 10+aged British local students (including tuition, food and full board): £1095

Full fee for Non-boarding playing student: £795 

Staying parent full board: £895

Family discounts (more than two children) and student bursaries are available

Deposit £300 at the time of booking

Registration closing date 30th May

Your place will be secured once payment is received in full. 

88 Music Limited

Sort code: 30-99-50

Account number: 18114062

Ref: 2024SSMS Plus your child's full name

Choose your course (mutiple choices available)
Booking Fee
Are you member of Farnham Youth Choir?

If you need any financial support, please go to:

Thanks for applying!

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